Find companies that are hiring without applying

With the habits of web use, looking for a job is like rummaging through the thousands of ads and offers on the internet. This approach is less and less obvious. So, how do you find companies that are recruiting?

Go on your own: adopt the unsolicited application approach

Job-related events are opportunities to get in touch with companies that are recruiting in the fields of your choice. Don't hesitate to make the trip when you have the opportunity. You will be able to get in touch with these firms and save time. Afterwards, it is a matter of going door-to-door to these institutions. The approach of the spontaneous application will prove to the companies that hire your motivation.

Use intermediaries: those in your network or those on the job market

In the labour market, applicants have intermediaries. It should be understood that the counsellors of the Pôle emploi and local missions, recruitment agencies and other temporary employment agencies are there to help. The so-called network approach must also be taken into account. And for this, let's keep in mind the links established with friends. The same goes for contacts in the sectors of activity that interest us. The companies that hire are accessible through your personal and professional address book.

Steps to keep in mind: the right reflexes

In your quest for hiring companies, you will have to acquire some automatisms. Your CV should be the document that describes the skills and qualities that will make your profile the chosen one. You need a light and catchy CV with the right keywords. It will attract the recruiter by mentioning your first and last name to make you known. Yes, make recruiters understand your determination. It is not enough to write a letter that will accompany your Curriculum Vitae just for the sake of formality. And finally, you will probably make several applications. It would be a good idea to follow up on them so you don't get lost. This will also allow you to determine which recruiting companies need to be relaunched.
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